Friday, September 27, 2013

RiRi Hearts MAC Review!


Hello ladies! 

So here is my review on the items I picked up at MAC from the RiRi Hearts MAC collection.
I ended up choosing two items for myself which included the lipstick in Talk that Talk and the only blush this collection had called Bad Girl Gone Good. Below I have posted some beautiful pictures of the goods! The packaging is PERFECT! in my opinion, at least. 

I wore the lipstick to work today as a means to test it out. As you can see it swatched above, the color is beaaaautiful, perfect for fall and  winter. It is a retromatte formula meaning it is more matte yet easier to wear because it has an almost velvety finish. I don't know if it is my lipstick but this thing was patchy as heeeeeell. It was so hard to build it up evenly. It probably lasted a good 2 hours before it started settling into the fine lines of my lips BAD. Kinda disappointed but I guess I'll work with it because I am obsessed with the color. It does look a lot like Rebel and Diva, in case you are looking for a similar color in the permanent line of lipsticks. 

As for the blush: LOVE. It swatched amazing, wore beautifully, and lasted forever. No complaints, really. It's probably my favorite item in the collection. If you want to grab just one thing, go for this. I don't have a color similar to it so I can really appreciate this color. 

I'm debating wether I want to go back to get something else, but swatches make it hard to love.. Hmmm, we'll see! 
Let me know what y'all got or what's on your wishlisht!

'til the next post!..


1 comment:

  1. Hey there my name is Jessica from OMG IT'S JESSIE B. I thought I would reach out & tag you for the Beauty Scenario Tag. If you do it let me know, I'd love to read what you come up with!

